Monday Again

Bismillah.. Assalamu'alaikum,

Owh what a short weekend it was and it's Monday again. How was your weekend? Mine was great and so far it is the weirdest Monday ever. Or maybe it's just the work from two cups of McD coffee. What a cool way to start your day,huh?

My weekend filled with free foods and crazy friends. On Friday (weekend just starts, haha..), while we walked home from work we met our lecturer and they were eating durians! Yeah.. we ended up bringing durians back to our cave after all 'no, segan la' act.. :P

Satay is a popular dish in Malaysia.Image via Wikipedia

And on Saturday, my good friend from college Mas came over and treat us with sate kajang (mkn lagik!). We had a good laugh and long chat... That nite was fun, with all the crazy jokes and silly act by Bob and Katak. Hoho thanks a loads kak Mas... :D

Sunday? Well lets just say it involved lots of sesat jalan di Putrajaya.. hehe

Well2, hopefully this week would be lovely for all of us! Have a happy week!

P/S: Congrats to Kham for the new job and welcome back to Serdang.. and slamat menjadi staf UPM... keh3

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